Thursday, March 5, 2020

What To Do In Babysitting Emergencies

What To Do In Babysitting Emergencies Basics Let’s start with the basics. Boo-boos (small): Small issues come in all forms, but small things like bruises, cuts, scrapes, all things of that nature come with the same ending. You may have a crying child or a child who doesn’t notice. If they fall and get a bruise, but you aren’t there to notice it, you may have a small issue if the parent sees it before you do. Make sure your eyes are on the child at all times, although children just like adults get random bruises out of nowhere, so just paying attention is the simple solution. As for scrapes and cuts alike, make sure to keep the child calm and clean the wound. When the parents come home, fill them in on the situation. Severe Choking: Make sure you are always aware of this. Children need to sit down and eat, not be running around while chewing their food or speaking to no end and accidentally swallow a whole piece of food/whatever they are choking on. The age of the child determines how you proceed. Babies need assistance differently than older children. Infants, when choking, can be helped in two ways. You can simply reach carefully in the back of their throat and take out the hazardous item, or you do compressions on their chest with only one of two fingers. Older children are different you can revert to the Heimlich, but not too hard considering the age of the child. Broken Bones: Say you take the child to the park and they go down a slide; you look away for one second and then hear a scream or a thud. You look back to notice your child is on the ground grabbing their leg/arm. Even from far away you can see something is off about whatever limb they are holding. You run over and go through asking them what hurts and can they move it. Regardless, your best bet is to take them to the hospital. And to of course call their parents. Make sure to be clear and conscience about what happened. Most children will be hurting and may cry for an hour or two, but personally I’ve seen them recover faster than adults. Getting them ice cream for doing so well isn’t a bad reward in the end. Extreme Finally, the extremely severe situations. Running Away: Some children go through their phase of thinking the world is against them, or basically all adults are. Most children have considered running away, but have never done it and probably don’t even remember thinking about it. On the other hand, there are those children that do act upon it. Ideally, most kids don’t exactly go very far considering they can’t get very far in the first place. A good number of children go to some place familiar, like a friends house or a park. If you notice that your child is missing, that is an extreme babysitting emergency. You need to call the parents immediately and start looking for them. Go to the place you think they might go first and then go to other places. Call the police while you are at it; though ideally the parents will probably do this before you do, do it anyway. Aside from running away, another babysitting emergency that is around the same scenario is … Losing a Child: This is different from them running away, because in this scenario they aren’t “running away” per se. Losing a child can happen at the park, the mall, or anywhere else where there are lots of other people around. It can happen almost as fast as blinking. The child gets distracted or even worse, you get distracted and they literally disappear within a millisecond. Look at scenario three  in this article from well-known website for tips on how to handle this situation. The job of babysitting is not as easy as it looks, because you personally have someone elses life in your hands. You have to make sure they are safe and cared for until their parents come home. If you can make it through these many things in the world of babysitting then potential clients will come flooding in if of course, continuing the babysitting road is what you want to do after the summer is over. Just remember, you can’t know if something is going to happen, but you can always be prepared for it.

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